So, you are involved in a club that takes part in indoor or outdoor climbing, hill walking or other mountaineering activities already and would like to introducing more young people or allow for family trips.
If this seems like quite a complicated task, don’t worry. We are here to help you!
Our 6 step guide
We have tried to keep this simple, with a clear 6 step guide and all the resources you could need to set your club set up to take young people or families into the mountains.
1. Membership engagement
- Allow your members to vote on the idea at your next AGM.
- Adjust your club constitution to reflect your new ambishions and adopt the Mountaineering Scotland Child Protection Policy.
- Elect two Child Wellbeing and Protection Officers.
- Give young people an opportunity to have their voices heard.
2. Child Wellbeing and Protection Officers
- Read the information about the roles and responsibilities of Child Wellbeing and Protection Officers in clubs.
- Find more information on Safeguarding in Climbing and Mountaineering Activities
3. Safeguarding Training
- Sportscotland provide the first steps in child protection training called ‘Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport’ (CWPS), which are perfect for volunteers, coaches and instructors working with young people or vulnerable adults. Module 1 is theory based eLearning and Module 2, a 3 hour face-to-face scenario based learning.
- We work closely with Children 1st who support volunteers and staff in sports organisations across Scotland to keep children safe by providing advice, consultancy and training on the development and implementation of child protection policies, procedures and good practice.
4. Getting PVG
All people undertaking regulated work with a protected group, children or adults, are required to become a member of the PVG scheme. It is the responsibility of each club to ensure all persons (voluntary or paid) who work with vulnerable groups – children or adults at risk are suitable to do so.
5. Start planning
- For guidance on how to plan appropriate indoor or outdoor climbing sessions for young people, check out the Club Resources section.
- For guidance on how to plan appropriate hillwalking trips for young people or families, get in touch with our Mountain Safety Team
6. Get in touch
Our Regional Development Officers are super keen to hear about your idea for a new club and are available to talk you through the process from start to finish. We will listen to your aims and tailor our advice to your needs.