The ClimbScotland Physical Training workshops are aimed at anyone who climbs and who wants to get stronger and fitter
We offer one workshop (PT1) which concentrates on the basics for physical training. If you wish to structure some of your time at your local climbing wall to train endurance and strength then this is the workshop for you. You will enhance your personal knowledge and training skills. The workshop is also a required module for climbing coaches wishing to gain the Mountain Training Coaching Awards.
Physical Training 1
Investigates the basics of all physical training (the ‘biomotor abilities’), a basic introduction to human anatomy and physiology, and energy systems that determine the key principles of training that create adaptions for strength, endurance and power. Finally, it gives some useful ideas of how to use a climbing wall to train these. Minimum age 16.
Physical training 2: Advanced training
This builds upon the Physical Training for Climbing 1 workshop with the content of this second workshop exploring appropriate (and inappropriate) training methods, the training methods and design of customisable training programmes and the physiology of climbing.
In addition to this content, there will be new information on sports nutrition for climbers and methods of analysing current and potential physical performance. This will be complimented by explanations of correct goal setting procedure.